Talking to Matt recently got me thinking about friends from way back. In kindergarten (I hate spelling that word and probably botched it) I was good friends with a guy named David Stallman. Or perhaps David Stahlman, I can’t be sure.
By the end of the big K, we were the only two boys left in the class. All the others had moved away. We were in first grade together as well, but after that his Dad’s job got him moved to Saudi Arabia. This was about two years before Gulf War I, and I always wonder what happened to David and his family – if they stuck around or not.
So I got to thinking about how to find the guy. Google turned up nothing concrete. For all I know I have the last name completely wrong, he might go by Dave Stallman or Dave Stahlman or something entirely else now, who knows?
So I figured my best bet was putting out the word here.
Anyway, David, if you ever Google your own name and run across this entry, drop me a line!